Present an analysis of the program/curriculum and of the content of a discipline taught, realizing the next activities:
a) Identify the objectives and the afferent contents that can be taught “naturally” in the spirit of behaviouristic, cognitive, constructivist and connectivist paradigm.
b) Based on activities a) elaborate a sketch of a course, seminar, practical lesson in the spirit of the enumerated paradigm using elements of informational and communicational technologies:
- Electronic presentation;
- Sites and educational blogs (optional).
c) Argument your choice of paradigma and the usage of informational and communicational technologies;
d) Edit the sketch of the course, seminar, practical lesson in MS Word text editor;
e) Elaborate an electronic presentation, using MS Power Point any other available application;
f) Form a zip-archive in which you will include: the sketch of the course, seminar, the electronic presentation, your argumentation. Name the file of the archive did_act_name_lastname.
g) Send the zip-archive to your teammates (from other local or international Universities) in order to get an external expertise and based on the mate’s opinions edit the documents saving it under the same file name.
Disponibil din: | luni, 28 februarie 2011, 07:40 |
Termen predare: | luni, 7 martie 2011, 07:40 |