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Temă 1
Learning Unit I. The Theories of Learning
After studying the content of this lecture, the additional material and after completing the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- describe the evolution of the notion “didactics”;
- define the notion „didactic system” and to identify its constitutive elements;
- enumerate the basic concepts of the didactics;
- explain the didactic system’s peculiarities in e-learning;
- identify basic concepts of the didactics in personal teaching methods;
- enumerate informational “explosion’s” consequences on the organization of educational process;
- explain the causes of long life learning appearance
- define “learning”
Learning Unit I. The Paradigm of Learning
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- describe the circumstances of the appearance of theories of learning;
- explain the essence of learning in behaviourist, cognitive, constructivist and connectivist paradigm;
- identify the advantages and limits of each learning paradigma;
- explain the essence of extension law, generalization law, discrimination law, effect law, exercise law – all in the frame of behaviourist learning;
- describe the role of programmed learning in the frame of computer-assisted learning;
- identify the learning types of (after R. Gagné)
- Explain social learning essence;
- Describe the process of information procession by the human in the frame of cognitivism;
- Explain and apply in teaching practice the notion of “Cognitive and Anticipative Organisation”, “conceptual maps”
- Identify the structure of an action and enumerate the operations and actions’ formational stages;
- Explain the process of learning as an equilibrium between assimilation and accommodation;
- Define the notion of “proxime area of the learner’s development”;
- Characterize project-based model of learning and problem-based learning;
- Explain the notions of scaffolding and fading in the frame of constructive paradigm;
- Explain the importance of the aspect “to know where” in the frame of connectivist learning;
- Enumerate the principles of connectivist learning;
- Describe basic methods in connectivism;
- Establish the correspondences between learning paradigm and types of organizational cultures.
Unit II. Self-directed learning
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- to explain the meaning of self-directed learning
- to enumerate main features of self-directed learning
- to develop through an own teaching experience the thesis on which self-directed based
- to define necessary competences for self-directed learning realization
Unit II. Student-Centered Learning
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- to explain the phenomena dimensions “student-centred learning”
- to describe the roles of a teacher in the frame of student-centred learning
- to explain the changes in the role acted by student in student-centred learning
- to compare the teacher-centred learning characteristics with student-centred learning
Unit II. Learning styles and preferences
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- to explain the notion of “learning style”
- to explain the cognitive style knowledge importance in university formation student
- to enumerate cognitive style
- to define students’ cognitive style according to the features: differentiation of the cognitive field of perception and the type of reaction.
- to select the methods, techniques and work tasks for students, organization forms of the instruction according to predominant cognitive style
- to identify learning style (visual, auditiv, kinaestetic) according to proposed features
- to propose confortable learning activities for students with their dominant learning style (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic)
- to define the learning styles according to the model of D. Kolb
- to propose comfortable learning activities for students with their dominant learning style (converging, diverging, assimilating, accommodating)
- to define the basic types of personality (extravert-introvert ; sensitive-intuitive; thinker-sentimental; rational-perceptive)
- to explain modern orientation referring to human intelligence
- to explain the modern guidelines for human intelligence;
- to explain the qualities of human intelligence, using the model 3E;
- to describe the eight intelligence type after H. Gardner;
- to apply knowledge of the multiple type intelligence of students in the training process organization;
Unit II. Differentiated Teaching
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- to formulate postulates of Burns;
- to explain and apply the education postulate;
- to explain the essence of differentiated instruction and to identify variables that explain individual differences between students;
- to define the differential learning goals;
- to list the steps in differentiated instruction;
- to perform various ways of grouping students;
- to list the characteristics of a group / team of students;
- to explain the essence of reduction and amplification stages in differentiated schools;
- to explain and to avoid possible risks in the organization of student’s differentiated instruction
Unit III. Instructional Design
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- to define the concept of instructional design;
- to list the activities in the instructional design;
- to analyze the instructional design process as a discipline, as science and as reality;
- to explain the articulation between the elements of the educational process: teaching, learning, assessment;
- to describe the invariant model of teaching;
Unit III. Instructional Design
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- to name instructional design phases;
- to explain the essence of each phase of the instructional design;
- to distinguish general levels of pedagogical intentions (the goals, aims, targets);
- to review the training needs of a group of students;
- to identify and systematize information on individual students’ differences;
- to identify resources and constraints for the design course;
- to identify advantages and limits of “pedagogy through objectives”;
- to formulate properly the learning objectives in behavioural paradigm;
- to explain the concept of competence and define its main elements: situation, resources and action;
- to differentiate the concepts to virtual skills and the actual competence;
- to define the concept of competence "lies" and the concept of family situations;
- to describe relevant aspects of an action;
- to skills to formulate a course using "matrix" responsible action;
- to sequence and to group course content in line with the chosen learning paradigm;
- to selecting teaching to what is suitable for presenting course content;
- to develop instructional design document;
- to make the development phase of instructional design (creating the prototype, develop course content, "review the table, starting a pilot session);
- to make the implementation phase of instructional design;
- to evaluate the material prepared in stages of analysis, design, development and implementation
Unit IV. Learning Design
After studying the content of this lecture, of some additional material and the realization of the proposed tasks, you will be capable to:
- to explain the evolution of the concept "computer assisted instruction;
- to describe the teacher's role in ICT development;
- to define the term "learning resources"
- to explain the problem of unification and reuse of the learning resource;
- to formulate requirements to the contents of training resources;
- to explain the terms "learning object", "metadata";
- to describe the LOM standard;
- to describe the SCORM standard;
- to describe patterns in SCORM content aggregation;
- to define the terms "package", "manifesto"
- to describe the standard IMS-LD;
- to describe the Learning design Anatomy in standard IMS-LD;
- to define the term of the "learning unit";
- to describe the elements of a learning unit;
- to describe the levels of Learning Design in IMS- LD;
- to classify types of learning objects in IMS-LD;
- to list the techniques / tools to develop learning objects in IMS-LD;
- to describe the requirements for developing learning objects;
Unit IV. Management systems of contents and the learning process
Unit V. Learning software tools for learning design
After studying the content of this lesson, of the additional material and proposed tasks you will be able to:
- explain the concept of reusing the learning design;
- explain the main differences between the instructional design and learning design;
- provide the tools that support the implementation of IMS-Learning Design specification;
- show the tools that support the process of learning design or ‘designing for learning’ in a broader sense.
Unit V. Learning software tools for learning design
Learning Activity Management System (LAMS)
After studying the content of this lesson, of the additional material and proposed tasks you will be able to:
• describe the facilities offered by the LAMS system;
• launch and register in the LAMS system;
• describe the modular structure of the LAMS system;• describe opportunities of tools designed to create activities in LAMS and to use these tools to design learning activities in the LAMS system;
• describe the management tools of learning activities and use these tools to design LAMS activities;
• use the basic menu of the window to create training materials;
• use properties inspector to change properties of objects from the working space;
• add / edit content of learning activities;
• access and use module to monitor students’ activities;
• add a lesson / a new course in the LAMS system;
• import LAMS learning sequences from different public repositories;
• design student-centered lessons/courses in LAMS system, using constructivist learning paradigms, approaching through skills and various facilities of the LAMS system;• become an active and faithful member of the LAMS Community