1. Realize analytic criticism of personal practice of the formation process project. Which are the stages of design – target group analysis; the analysis of competences (learning results); the analysis and structuring of content; selecting the teaching means; determining didactic strategies; evaluation of course efficiency effectively realized? Which of the steps are not realized and why?

Save the results of analysis in file analys_design_name_lastname.doc

  1. Discuss with the teammates project practice of the formation process in various universities. Identify good practice and make a short description in the file design_good_practice_name_lastname.doc
  2. (Optional) Recall the learning paradigms studied in Learning Unit 1. Try to identify each stage’s specifics of the project practice of the formation process in each of the 4 big learning modes. Write down your reflections in the file LT_design_name_lastname.doc. Share your reflections with your group.
Disponibil din: luni, 28 februarie 2011, 08:30
Termen predare: luni, 7 martie 2011, 08:30